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Thank you for stopping by and we look forward to serving you! We are currently working hard to move items from our eBay Store and Etsy Shop to this Website. In the meantime, if you're not finding what you are looking for here on our Website - Please visit our Etsy Shop or eBay Store at the link below:Etsy Shop: https://www.etsy.com/shop/DRVintageDinnerware
eBay Store: https://www.ebay.com/str/drvintagedinnerwarecollectibles
Special Offer just for You for visiting our Web Store: SAVE 20%!If you find something in our Etsy shop that's NOT listed here on the website, (see links above) Please Contact Us and let us know. We will add it to this Web Store immediately and for your effort, we will give you a code that will save you 20% OFF your first Order so you can buy it directly right here on our Website. Thank you again and we look forward to continuing to serve you! (Return to Our Home Page)